Category Branding Basics

Threads app schreenshots.

What is Threads? | The New Social Media Network

Threads is a text-based conversation app by Instagram. It launched on July 5th 2023 as an alternative to Twitter. The app features posting and sharing content in so-called threads. Once you’ve created a thread, other users can like, comment, or…

What is branding?

Do you have a favorite restaurant? Are you a fan of a particular mobile device? Do you have a profile on your favorite social media apps? Although different, all of these things, have something in common— They are all brands.…

Instagram Guides – What are they and how to use them?

The recently announced Instagram Guides are a brand-new way to share content with your followers. Brands, Content Creators, and Influencers alike will now have the ability to craft and post content that is more focused on text than ever before.…

Reach vs. Impressions on Social Media

Reach is the total number of unique profiles that have seen your Instagram post or story. For individual posts, this information can be found on the “View Insights” button under the post. When it comes to overall account Insights the Reach gives you the total number…

How To Run A Brand Campaign

Brand campaigns are a good way for you to communicate your message to consumers and promote your business. Running brand campaigns is an important part of your marketing strategy.

10 Key Elements of Succesful Branding

There are 10 key branding elements that form a brand identity, and they all fit together to showcase the visuals, the story, and the value of your brand.